Hair One Studio為您提供全方位的髮型設計與頭皮護理服務!店鋪由超過十年美髮經驗的髮型師主理,手勢嫻熟、技術精湛,不僅具備豐富的美髮知識,還對頭皮健康、頭皮結構十分拿手,一定能為您帶來最頂級的美髮護髮體驗。Hair One Studio特別推出電、染、焗、剪套餐,四大美髮服務,一次過實現!全程由一位髮型師一對一服務,絕不會假手於助理,確保每一個步驟都符合您的期望,以呈現最佳的效果。我們的髮型師會根據您的臉型、髮質、氣質、喜好等為您設計出度身定製、獨一無二的髮型,令您的形象煥然一新!
Hair One Studio精選日韓進口的美髮護髮產品,如SHISEIDO、Milbon、Lebel等等,品質保證、針對性強,擁有強大的技術創新,十分注重用戶體驗。電髮染髮效果強勁持久的同時,亦不會過多傷害髮質,為您的秀髮保濕、去除多餘油脂與灰塵、修護毛鱗片、柔順髮絲,從髮根注入營養,使得秀髮兼顧美麗與健康!Hair One Studio注重每一個細節,從洗護到剪髮、燙染,以及保養頭皮,面面俱到,交給我們,您無需有任何後顧之憂!
除了精湛的技術、全方位的美髮護理外,Hair One Studio亦注重打造令客人放鬆舒適的環境。以簡約、摩登為主打風格,店內會提供免費的小食茶水,讓您的美髮旅程更添樂趣。我們的髮型師為許多大型比賽、選美等活動提供髮型設計,許多KOL亦到店光顧,體現我們的技術過硬和職業素養。我們緊貼潮流,定期更新髮型資訊,設計出不落俗套的髮型,為您提供源源不斷的時尚靈感。我們誠摯邀請您來Hair One Studio享受一次獨特的美髮體驗,期待您的到來!
RAW Hair Salon is a unique, East meets West salon in the heart of ever changing, vibrant Soho. Our talented, avant-garde staff will understand and meet your individual needs. You can relax and enjoy the down-to-earth environment at Hands and be assured that our professionals will provide an exceptionally high quality service. We believe that your hairstyle should project your personality and reflect the qualities that you admire in yourself.
QG PRIVATE i SALON QG PRIVATE i SALON “QG” In French means headquarters, which represents leadership within the PRIVATE i SALON Group. It is located at the 6-stars Four Seasons Hotel in Central. An international flare combines both modern and classic interior styles with emphasis on white and gray colors for a striking contrast. Crystal clear ceiling to floor windows of this exclusive salon highlight the breath taking view of Victoria Harbour. It gives a relaxed and rejuvenated feeling together with a welcoming and comfortable surrounding makes it especially suitable for CEOs, politicians, international travelers and celebrities alike.